Here i have collected some title sequences to help get ideas for the horror comedy genre. i have got clips from both genres (horror and comedy) and some horror comedy to find out the conventions and use them to my advantage. i want to stick with a person troubled by a murder in the comfort of their home.
^ Scream title sequence
This is probably one of the most famous and iconic horror title sequences. Suspense is created very successfully and you really go though the ordeal of the murder with this victim.
The scene starts off with the sound of a women screaming as the title of the film appears, this is then overlapped by the sound of the phone ringing giving a sense of foreboding about the phone call. The first shot of phone is pretty close up this distance is kept though out the first few phone calls. Shows her reaction to the creepy voice and as the phone ring promptly after the first time you start to see the uneasiness on her face. We are then faced with an establishing shot of the outside of her house this gives the feel of how isolated she is in her huge house. The shot also feels as though it is the view of someone or something watching her. There is then a quick cut to the stove being turned on and the sound of flames giving the viewer a shock and bring to attention. The more times the phone rings the more evil it becomes.
^ Scary Movie title sequence
This title sequence is a spoof of the scream opening sequence. it manages to get a good balance between comedy and a slight hint of horror and threat.
^Scary Movie 3 title sequence
Again this is a spoof of a famous horror film "The Ring". It like the other "Scary Movie" film, it is very comic but manages to have some suspense and horror in it.
Order of titles
Order of titles in Forest Gump

^ Click
production company
film name
casting director
executive music producer
visual effects supervisor
costume designer
production designer
director of photography
author of novel the film is based on
Othe order of titles varies in each film and there is no strict conventions. At the end of the day its the directors decision what order the title go in. But for my film it might be wise to follow the order from a professional film like "Forest Gump".

Obviously the results of this questionnaire won't be a definitive answers because only 20 people answered it but they can be a good bases to work with.

I choose to quesion a an equal amount of both genre's because even though I am likely to have more of a male audience I feel it is important to have data on both sexes. I focused on the age range of 14-26 because I think they would be the mostly likely to watch a film like mine.

I was intrested to find out what music people preffered so I could try and include it in my film. as we can see Rock seems to be the most popular.

Intrestingly Horror seems to be the most popular Genre then Comdey making a Horror Comedy perfect to do.

When releasing my film knowing how and when people watch films is useful for the Distributor to know.

It is good to know whether your audience is easily offended or not by violence especially since im doing a horror film which will probably have some violence in it somwhere. As we can see from the results the people I asked don't seem to have a problem with violence.